Reaching the World for Christ

Sharing the Gospel

In the last 20 years, thanks to God’s provision through generous donors and volunteers, we’ve celebrated:
-Over 2.5 billion Gospel presentations
-Over 300 million indicated decisions to accept Christ
-Over 22 million people provided free discipleship resources

But we’ve been given a God-sized vision for the future: to double our Gospel impact in half the time.

-5 billion Gospel ads that help people explore or experience the Gospel
-500 million indicated decisions to accept Christ as Savior
-50 million new contacts who have access to free resources
-5 million new disciples who have actively engaged with Online Missionaries
-All by 2033—2,000 years after the resurrection

It’s big. It’s ambitious. But with your support, this mission is possible.

“With God, all things are possible.” —Matthew 19:26

Global Media Outreach is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to leveraging technology to invite all people to know Jesus Christ as Savior and grow in a personal relationship with Him.

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Your donation of $2,500.00 will help 25,000 people.

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  • Jamie R.

    Reaching the World for Christ

    Jun 20th 2024

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  • Jamie R.

    Reaching the World for Christ

    Jun 20th 2024