Share Jesus

Sharing Jesus in the Middle East through Virtual Discipleship Groups

Easter is fast approaching, and it is the perfect opportunity to share the eternal hope and new life found in a relationship with Christ. Over the last 20 years, you have helped ensure that the Gospel message crosses borders and seemingly impossible-to-reach countries.

Our weekly virtual discipleship groups are experiencing an overflow of participants eager to learn about Jesus. To meet this growing demand, it is crucial that we boldly extend the reach of the Gospel. Will you partner with us so that more people worldwide can:

  • Understand the meaning of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection
  • Ask their questions about God and faith anonymously and safe
  • Experience one-on-one secure online discipleship

You can share the eternal hope of the resurrection with others this Easter and beyond by giving through the secure form below!

Listen to a 3-minute update from our Middle East North Africa team.

Spreading the Good News Online

Online Gospel outreach is impactful and cost-effective. It costs about $0.10 to share the Gospel online with one person, meaning:

  • $1,000 = 10,000 Gospel presentations
  • $5,000 = 50,000 Gospel presentations
  • $25,000 = 250,000 Gospel presentations
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Donation Total: $2,500.00 for 12

Global Media Outreach is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit funded solely by donations. GMO is a family of online ministries that leverage the power of technology to give every person on Earth multiple opportunities to know Jesus. Every gift is tax-deductible to the extent of the law and will help more people around the world start their relationship with God.